World War II
epub |eng | 2013-08-20 | Author:Mallmann Showell, Jak P.;

9. The British Western Approaches had its headquarters in Liverpool and after the war many years passed before it became known that the Admiralty also had a highly significant Operational ...
( Category: World War II March 14,2020 )
epub |eng | 2015-05-29 | Author:Bowman, Martin

Endnotes for Chapter Six 28 As a diversion for the Brest raid, 36 Blenheims in several waves and all escorted by Spitfires, attacked Cherbourg docks with good bombing results but ...
( Category: World War II March 14,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:David Guss

Around 4 p.m., two Austrian soldiers came to take him away. They were a curiously mismatched pair – one tall, one short, yet both remarkably calm. Alastair called them ‘placid’. ...
( Category: World War II March 13,2020 )
epub |eng | 2018-10-15 | Author:Dye, Peter

18 STRENGTHENING MALAYA’S DEFENSES 1941 Brooke-Popham lost little time in moving Malaya to a war footing, starting with a two-day desk-based exercise designed to shake down the headquarters and test ...
( Category: Afghan & Iraq Wars March 11,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Jan Jarboe Russell

CHAPTER THIRTEEN The False Passports On the morning of January 20, 1945, while Ingrid was still at sea on the MS Gripsholm, a fourteen-year-old girl, Irene Hasenberg, slept on a ...
( Category: U.S. Presidents March 11,2020 )
epub |eng | 2016-03-10 | Author:Noah Lederman [Lederman, Noah]

* * * * Most likely, when she says “river,” Grandma is referring to one of the canals that the four hundred Jewish boys and men imprisoned in Karczew had ...
( Category: World War II March 11,2020 )
epub |eng | 2014-02-24 | Author:Barbara Rylko-Bauer [Rylko-Bauer, Barbara]

14 Flossenbürg and the End of War JADZIA REMAINED BEHIND IN FLOSSENBÜRG, locked up in the condemned prisoners’ section of the camp. “There were these separate buildings for prisoners who ...
( Category: World War II March 10,2020 )
epub |eng | 2011-07-13 | Author:George Beurling

HE WENT DOWN VERTICALLY—NOBODY SAW HIM HIT THE DECK, SO I WAS CREDITED WITH A DAMAGED Almost as soon as we were airborne the orders came over the RT: “Gain ...
( Category: World War II March 10,2020 )
epub |eng | 2019-03-14 | Author:Jerry Borrowman

* * * 1. Penny Colman, Where the Action Was, viii. 2. Dickey Chapelle, What’s a Woman Doing Here? 16. 3. Chapelle, What’s a Woman Doing Here? 18. 4. Chapelle, ...
( Category: World War II March 10,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Julie Summers [Summers, Julie]

In his first communication to Toosey, Peter Heath replied: 30.6.43 Lt. Col. P.J.D. Toosey Tamarkan Camp Yours 11/6 recd. 28/6. Herewith Tcs [Ticals] 5,000/–. Medicines will follow in the course ...
( Category: World War II March 9,2020 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2012-03-18 | Author:Heinz Knocke

23rd March, 1943. When I arrive on duty out at the dispersal point there is a message from the station switchboard: “Sir, last night there was a call from the ...
( Category: World War II March 8,2020 )
epub |eng | 2019-10-03 | Author:Jim Sudmeier

The attacks worried Bradley, who appealed to Patton: “For God’s sake, George, lay off.”34 Why did Patton choose to attack the Metz forts? Prestige. “To assault a famous and legendarily ...
( Category: World War II March 7,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Rudolf von Ribbentrop

Not much need be added to this article in the renowned Times. It was composed by a prominent member of the party that Churchill also belonged to. As a historian ...
( Category: World War II March 7,2020 )
epub |eng | 2014-03-09 | Author:Robert Payne [Payne, Robert]

It was characteristic of Marshall that he should have employed a succession of dry military clichés; it was also characteristic of Marshall that we should be able to see through ...
( Category: World War II March 6,2020 )
epub |eng | 2019-05-20 | Author:Dale Maharidge

One night, near dawn on May 13, he heard that his friend Krupkowski “got it.” Lanciotti reacted by running around saying he was going to kill Japanese. He wrote that ...
( Category: World War II March 6,2020 )